Hollywood Smile Design
Estetik Tedavi

Hollywood Gülüşü

Hollywood Smile, sadece estetik bir gülüş sağlamakla kalmaz, aynı zamanda dişlerinizin fonksiyonunu da iyileştirir. Tedavi, çiğneme ve konuşma gibi temel işlevleri destekleyerek, sadece güzel görünmenizi değil, aynı zamanda daha iyi hissetmenizi de sağlar. Bu bütünsel yaklaşım, Hollywood Smile'ı sadece bir estetik müdahale değil, aynı zamanda yaşam kalitenizi artıran bir tedavi yapar.

  • Neden Hollywood Smile? 

    Hollywood Smile, sadece görünüşünüzü değil, aynı zamanda özgüveninizi de iyileştiren bir tedavidir. 

  • Hollywood Smile Süreci 

    Hollywood Smile tedavisi, öncelikle ağız sağlığınızın genel bir değerlendirilmesiyle başlar. Sonrasında, kişisel estetik hedeflerinize ulaşmak için gerekli olan adımlar planlanır. Bu süreç, genellikle diş beyazlatma, porselen laminatlar veya zirkonyum kaplamalar gibi yöntemleri içerebilir.

Detaylı Bilgi Al

Türkiye'de Hollywood Gülüşü

Türkiye'nin misafirperverliği, uygun fiyatlı yüksek kaliteli diş hizmetleri her ülkeden gelen misafirlerine güzel bir deneyim sağlamaktadır.



5 Star Reviews


Happy Smiles


Treatment Options

Zirkonium Crowns

Zirconium is a white substance that is a mixture of porcelain and ceramic and is a bright and durable type of coating. Thanks to its translucency, it can transmit light and is highly suitable for natural appearance.

Lamine Veneers

Porcelain Laminate is a coating method whose main material is porcelain and is used to cover the top of natural teeth in a laminate way. It is more affordable in terms of cost. It is durable and long-lasting.

E-Max Crowns & Veneers

E-Max Crown is a metal-free treatment method which is obtained with special ceramic mixtures providing results identical to natural appearance. This application is mostly preferred in terms of visuality and aesthetics.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hollywood Smile

  • What is Zirconium Crowns Treatment?

    Zirconium crown treatment should be applied with a special design for the patient if the dentist deems it appropriate. Zirconium is a white substance that is a mixture of porcelain and ceramic and is a bright and durable type of coating. There is no metal in it and therefore it is a suitable choice for patients with metal allergies. Thanks to its translucency, it can transmit light and is suitable for natural appearance. It is anti-oxidation. It is highly resistant to cracking and breaking as it is a solid material. It can be easily whitened in case of discoloration caused by the use of teeth in the following years. It is long-lasting and does not cause a feeling of sensitivity in extreme hot or cold eating and drinking situations.

  • What is Laminate Veneers Treatment?

    Porcelain Laminate is a coating method whose main material is porcelain and is used to cover the top of natural teeth in a laminate way. It is an inorganic substance formed by combining some metals and different non-metal elements; high temperature processing and sintering. It is applied to patients with abrasion and broken teeth in the front parts of the tooth alignment. It can be applied to patients with cavities that cannot be saved with filling, missing teeth or crooked teeth. It is also used in patients who do not have oral and dental health problems but want to have a more aesthetic smile. It is more affordable in terms of cost. It is durable and long-lasting.

  • What is E-Max Crowns&Veneers Treatment?

    E-Max Crown is a treatment method that does not contain metal and is obtained with special ceramic mixtures and is used to obtain results very close to natural appearance. This application is mostly preferred in terms of visuality and aesthetics. It can be easily applied to deformed or broken teeth. E-Max Crown, which is a Glass Ceramic Tooth, is chosen to achieve the most natural appearance due to its high light transmittance. It is more commonly used on the front incisors, but it is also used on the premolars where there is not much force application. It can be used on teeth that need aesthetic correction or teeth that have been restored in large numbers, teeth with deformities in the protective layer, enamel defects. It is suitable for the treatment of wear conditions such as abrasion, erosion and attrition. This method, which is also used to restore malformed teeth, is also applied to malposed teeth. After some root canal treatments, teeth may not regain their former whiteness; in such cases, E-Max Crown is also a preferred treatment method. It is also applied to teeth that experience discoloration due to various reasons (age, devitalization, fluorosis, tetracycline).

  • How Do I Start My Treatment?

    This is the easiest question, simply tap here and start your consultation process immediately.

Hollywood Smile in Clinic Prime Istanbul

Uzman Diş Hekimlerimiz

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Deneyimli danışmanlarımız sizi seyahatinizde her adımda büyük bir özenle yönlendirecekler. Clinic Prime Istanbul'un harika konumu, havalimanından ve birçok 5 yıldızlı otelden kolayca ulaşım imkanı sunar.

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