The Teeth Whitening process aims to ensure that the discoloration of the tooth enamel is restored to its white color by laser application with special gels. The treatment is performed under special led light with Advanced Laser Zoom Technology. After the soft tissue is isolated with the protective barrier applied during the session, the treatment is completed within 30 minutes. The result shows its effect in a short time. There is no sensitivity in the tooth or gum.
In the first stage, teeth are cleaned.
Afterwards, a protector is applied and the session continues for 30 minutes by irradiating at 30-second intervals.
At the end of the procedure, the gel is cleaned and the protector placed in the mouth is removed.
This application cannot be applied to patients during pregnancy, patients undergoing cancer treatment, patients under the age of 18, patients with gum problems and patients taking homeopathic photo-reactive drugs or substances.
After whitening, colored food and drinks should not be consumed for 2 days, smoking should be avoided, acidic foods and drinks should be avoided, and coffee should definitely not be consumed. Otherwise, the effect of the result will be reduced.